A Korean dish, popular in northern China. I ate this for lunch every day for an entire year when I lived in Jinzhou, China. The cook was certain that eating...
Chicken breasts marinated with Grey Poupon® and taco sauce with lime juice make a quick and very tasty dinner. Top with a dab of sour cream and this recipe...
We've sampled many different flavors of gelato over the years while visiting our family in Italy, but somehow, our kids always go back to their favorite...
We love garlic and sesame sauce on chicken wings, and this is an entree version made with chicken thighs. Pressure cooking the chicken with the sauce infuses...
One of the most popular Japanese dishes (authentic recipe). The tasty ginger and rice wine marinade can be used for meat or fish. This recipe can also...
I requested this recipe after I had these fajitas at a graduation party. This marinade makes some of the most delicious chicken I've ever tasted, so it's...
These tacos are sure to impress your family and friends. A good Taco al Pastor is very hard to come by in the States. Now you can enjoy them in the comfort...
A quick and simple Middle Eastern/Mediterranean hit. I've seen both little Jewish grandmothers in Jerusalem make these cookies and Bedouin women living...
The stuffed eggplant is a classic from the Puglia region and throughout the south of Italy. When summer comes and I find small seedless eggplants, I prepare...
This shredded Mexican chicken can be used for tacos, enchiladas, burritos, and tostadas. It's super simple and is probably the closest to authentic Mexican...
This is a great recipe for parties. I freeze the leftovers; they reheat quite well. The zesty chicken and cooked peppers are a succulent delight when mixed...
Shui Zhu Yu is one of the most common Sichuan fish dishes. 'Shui Zhu' is also one of the most famous Sichuan cooking styles. Its essential ingredient is...
This is a nice family recipe that's easy to remember and tastes delicious! They're very simple, but you can vary flavorings, or add an icing to your own...
If you are allergic to tomatoes, like me, or just want to try a different pizza, this is a simple and easy recipe that is guaranteed to delight. You can...
Chicken wings are baked in a spicy (cloves, garlic, bay leaves, and cayenne) tomato-based sauce. The accompanying rice is flavored with turmeric, cloves,...
This is a quick, great tasting sandwich that's a little spicy. This spice mixture is similar to the (great) Philly Steak Sandwich recipe submitted by Wendy...
This is a quick and tasty sweet and sour dish. I like to marinate the tofu in the same sauce used on the dish, and then bake it at 375 degrees for 20 minutes--it...
This is one of my favorite recipes. I have it every time I go to a Thai restaurant topped with coconut ice cream or drizzled with honey. If you have never...
Spiced nuts are layered between buttered sheets of phyllo pastry and baked into this crispy, flaky delicacy saturated with an orange blossom-infused honey...
This delicious Thai recipe is my take on the top 5 pad kee mao recipes on the net! Adjusted to taste like our favorite nearby Thai place, this recipe was...
This is a recipe that my mom brought back from a military stint in Japan. She has made it for family reunions, and it is always the first thing to go!...
My brother created this recipe when he first got married. It's one of my favorites. I love to serve it with corn, mashed potatoes and croissant rolls....
This tamale pie with chicken is a bit of a process, but well worth the rich flavor it produces. My family loved this recipe. In the tradition of Paula...
With homemade Italian meatballs and a thick cheese layer and sauce, your mouth will be asking for more. For those who don't favor lasagna, this will definitely...